
Bistro-style Dining in Downtown Lancaster

Inspired by European bistros, C’est La Vie makes its home in the heart of Downtown Lancaster – across the alley from Central Market in the Hager Arcade. Here, you’ll find ...Read More


Valentine’s has always been a popular day to become engaged and even married. In fact, Thanksgiving through Valentine’s is referred to as “engagement season” in the jewelry industry.  Popping the question ...Read More

The Dining Room: Back From the Brink of Extinction

Covid has prompted homeowners to find new purposes for rooms that see little use. One of those is the dining room. Over the last two years it has served as ...Read More

More Than Chocolate

 Valentine’s Day is all about chocolate. But what happens if your significant other dislikes the “most popular sweet treat” in the world? Options do exist!  Love and chocolate – the connection ...Read More

Wedding Wonderland

Megan FitzGerald and Tommy Mandala • July 24, 2021 Megan FitzGerald and Tommy Mandala were set to get married in the summer of 2020. Covid restrictions changed all of that. After ...Read More

Two Times the Love

Ashley Goss and Matthew Bushong October 31, 2020 and October 31, 2021  “Covid changed our plans quite a bit,” says Ashley Goss. “We knew we couldn’t have the large wedding we had ...Read More

A Photographer’s Life … Margarita Stamatelopoulos

Q. Trace Your Travels … how did you go from Greece to Baltimore? A. My father’s cousin was the first family member to move to the United States – she told ...Read More

A “Rosie Cake”

After the dress, guests at a wedding are anxious to see the cake. Lancaster County is fortunate to have so many talented and creative bakers who help to make celebrations ...Read More

New(ish) to the Venue Scene

Lancaster has become a bona fide wedding phenomenon! Locals and out-of-towners alike are in search of venues that will fit their style and provide guests with an unforgettable experience. Despite ...Read More

A Toast to Your Health

If your New Year’s resolution is to cut back on alcoholic, caffeinated and sugar-laden beverages, now might be the perfect time to explore kombucha.  What Is Kombucha?  I love sparkling water and ...Read More

No Fooling, April is Here!

Spring has sprung! It’s time to get out and enjoy all that the season has to offer. Photo Credits: Facebook Lancaster City

A Look Back

It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since the pandemic changed our lives in so many ways. One

Hilton Carter: A Plant-Focused Life

“Have you ever walked into a plant nursery or greenhouse and instantly felt a change in the air? The feeling of

On Trend!

Wedding season is fast approaching and if you’re in need of inspiration, the weddings LCM covered in the January-February issue

Make Something!

If you’re feeling crafty (or makerish?), Lancaster County offers plenty of opportunities to explore your creative talents during the month

Goodbye, Country Life! Hello, City Living!

Scott and Karen Hoober have loved Lancaster for as long as they can remember and always dreamed of living in

In Columbia, Gardening is Neighborly

Television is filled with programming that depicts neighbors waging war over property lines, unkempt yards, annoying security lights, barking dogs,

Mary Reider: Helping to Preserve a Heritage Art

Fifty years ago, Americans embraced time-honored arts and crafts such as quilting, needlework, knitting, felting, tatting, rug hooking and more.