Basket Weaving: Fancy Handles With Joan Betzold
This class is primarily for students who have been weaving for a while and want to explore decorative woven handles. The fancy handles class is going to teach as many fancy handles as we can get through. Starting with simple and getting more complicated with a variety of techniques. We are going to use “fake ” handles so students will have a sampler of sorts. However, if a student has a FINISHED basket with an intact rim and a smooth handle…NO grip carved into it, they may bring that to work on with one sample. There will be No time to finish it but supplies to finish the handle at home will be available. Students need to bring…measuring tape, sharpened pencil, a brick wrapped in plastic wrap, 12 large wooden clip style clothespins, old towel, scissors, pocket knife, a small regular screw driver, spray bottle, pail or dish pan to hold 2 gallons of water, lunch, drinks and snacks…wear comfortable clothes. Proceeds benefit the museum.
Phone: (717) 569-0401
Start Date
End Date
Event Time
09:00 am - 03:00 p
Landis Valley Museum, Museum Store 2nd Floor
2451 Kissel Hill Road
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17601
Admission Price