Nature Hour: The Bright Side Of Fire
Fire has been part of this region’s ecosystems for at least the last 10,000 years and has been an important natural disturbance. Excluding this ecological disturbance is a recent development and has resulted in the elimination of some ecosystems that were fire dependent along with shifts in the species composition of many of our other ecosystems. Controlled or prescribed fire is a management tool we can use to help restore ecosystems. This presentation will discuss the historical prevalence of fire in southeastern/south central Pennsylvania, the methods we use to put fire on the ground currently, and the tools we use to help contain prescribed fire. It will include wildland firefighting equipment show and tell. Recommended for ages 8+. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Parking is available at the Christian Street Garage, anchored by the library. Presentations occur in the Community Room located in the rear of the building.
Start Date
End Date
Event Time
06:00 pm
Lancaster Public Library
151 North Queen Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603