Organic Reflections: The Lighter Side from Living Composers
Organic Reflections welcomes guest organist Ken Krause to the console of the Hill Byrne Christiansen Memorial Organ for a free 30 minute concert at 8 pm, featuring a program of music from living composers including “Procession” by Russell Schulz-Widmar, and “Grand Choeur in d-Minor” by Paul Fey, at First Reformed Church, 40 E. Orange Street, in downtown Lancaster.
The First Friday “Organic Reflections” concert series is a gift to the community from First Reformed Church, a center city congregation of the United Church of Christ. Only 30 minutes in length, the free concerts begin at 8 pm each First Friday for the convenience of those who wish to spend the early evening visiting downtown galleries before the concert. Doors open at 7:30 pm. All are welcome to hear 30 minutes of majestic music that will refresh your soul and inspire your spirit.
Contact: Rick Weinhold
Email: webmaster.FRCLancaster@gmail.com
Phone: (717) 723-8670
Start Date
End Date
Event Time
08:00 pm - 08:30 pm
First Reformed Church
40 East Orange Street
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602