July 2015

They’re Back

A Guide to Summer Guests A year ago, Pat Derstler arrived at her water aerobics class in a panic. A friend had volunteered Pat and her husband to play host to ...Read More

No Fuss Brunch

Guests are arriving for the weekend. As far as meal planning goes, when in doubt, go with brunch. Brunch is the type of meal that allows you to share your style ...Read More

Sharing the Spotlight

When competitors become collaborators, the results can be magical. That’s exactly what happened at this year’s Fulton Follies, an annual fundraiser for the Fulton Theatre. Billed as a fun-filled variety show ...Read More

The Amish

Undoubtedly, the first thing out-of-town guests have questions about is the Amish. The Back Roads Drive along the back roads between Strasburg and Ephrata and you’ll see plenty of Amish farms, buggies ...Read More

Foodie Paradise

Corn, tomatoes, beans of all kinds, peaches ... Lancaster is known for its farm fresh, locally grown food. It’s part of the allure that draws visitors to Lancaster County! Central Market Around ...Read More


There is simply something special about listening to music under the stars on a summer evening. Allegro Chamber Orchestra of Lancaster When Brian Norcross founded the orchestra in 2002, his goal was ...Read More

Museums & Historic Sites

Museums and historic sites provide vital links to Lancaster’s past. They also serve as the perfect way to introduce visitors – and perhaps even you – to Lancaster County! You ...Read More

Are You Ready to be a Maximalist?

Just when we’ve gotten comfortable with pristine white walls, bare windows and clutter-free kitchens, “they’ve” gone and turned the tables

No Fooling, April is Here!

Spring has sprung! It’s time to get out and enjoy all that the season has to offer. Photo Credits: Facebook Lancaster City

A Look Back

It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since the pandemic changed our lives in so many ways. One

Hilton Carter: A Plant-Focused Life

“Have you ever walked into a plant nursery or greenhouse and instantly felt a change in the air? The feeling of

On Trend!

Wedding season is fast approaching and if you’re in need of inspiration, the weddings LCM covered in the January-February issue

Make Something!

If you’re feeling crafty (or makerish?), Lancaster County offers plenty of opportunities to explore your creative talents during the month

Goodbye, Country Life! Hello, City Living!

Scott and Karen Hoober have loved Lancaster for as long as they can remember and always dreamed of living in

In Columbia, Gardening is Neighborly

Television is filled with programming that depicts neighbors waging war over property lines, unkempt yards, annoying security lights, barking dogs,