October 2021

Bobbi Nicole Bentzel: You Can Go Home Again

How does one go from prepping and primping sheep for Farm Show competitions to doing hair and makeup for Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence? For Bobbi Nicole Bentzel, the owner of ...Read More

Building? Remodeling? Patience is a Virtue

Dwight Graybill has owned Denver-based Cocalico Builders for 23 years and had worked for its previous owner as a high school and college student. “I’ve never seen or experienced anything ...Read More

Dr. John Weierbach and Dr. Loren Genetti: Bonding a Professional Partnership

When Dr. John Weierbach gained a business partner in Dr. Loren Genetti, the rumor mill went into overdrive. “I am not retiring!” he says, in the hopes of putting that ...Read More

Ways to Help Honey Bees

Mild winters have been prompting honey bees to make an early appearance in our landscapes. When you’re adding new plants to your landscape this fall, be sure to include some ...Read More

Nights for a Museum 

Whenever I travel with my family, we make sure to visit one or two museums. Whether it’s small, historic homes in colonial-era towns or grand testaments to architecture housing some ...Read More

Behind the Cover

How often do you page through a magazine and wonder what inspired a photo spread or what went on behind the scenes of a photo shoot? I always have to ...Read More

No Fooling, April is Here!

Spring has sprung! It’s time to get out and enjoy all that the season has to offer. Photo Credits: Facebook Lancaster City

A Look Back

It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since the pandemic changed our lives in so many ways. One

Hilton Carter: A Plant-Focused Life

“Have you ever walked into a plant nursery or greenhouse and instantly felt a change in the air? The feeling of

On Trend!

Wedding season is fast approaching and if you’re in need of inspiration, the weddings LCM covered in the January-February issue

Make Something!

If you’re feeling crafty (or makerish?), Lancaster County offers plenty of opportunities to explore your creative talents during the month

Goodbye, Country Life! Hello, City Living!

Scott and Karen Hoober have loved Lancaster for as long as they can remember and always dreamed of living in

In Columbia, Gardening is Neighborly

Television is filled with programming that depicts neighbors waging war over property lines, unkempt yards, annoying security lights, barking dogs,

Mary Reider: Helping to Preserve a Heritage Art

Fifty years ago, Americans embraced time-honored arts and crafts such as quilting, needlework, knitting, felting, tatting, rug hooking and more.